Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Matilda in Term 4: Drama Focus!

In Room 9 over Term 3 we have been reading the book 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl and focused on 'Character'. This Term I decided to introduce some Drama into the classroom. We have acted as characters in role, re-enacted parts of the story in groups, and created our own 'freeze frame image' of a part of a chapter. Here are some of the freeze frame images from the start of the Term.

Last Friday was Mufti Day at Stanley Ave. We dressed up as something we wished to be and all proceeds from gold coin donations went to the Make a Wish Foundation. Check out our awesome outfits!

Maths Rotation

Room 7 have started doing a Maths Rotation on Thursday's and Friday's. They are enjoying rotating around the various activities which include making patterns, geometry, maths games, maths number apps, follow-up sheets and more. This gives Miss Roycroft closer learning time with smaller groups and a chance for learners to learn a range of maths skills in shorter bursts!

Term 3 DISCO

Here are some photos of Room 7 children from the School Disco!