Friday, July 31, 2015

Junior School Statistics

We have been looking at Statistics in Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Here are some of the graphs Room 7 and 8 made this Wednesday and Friday.

Room 7s Favourite Colours and Favourite Food

Room 8s Graphs - Food Choices, Celebrity Choices, and Competition of Colours

Eco-Systems - Room 9

Following on from Recycling in Term 2, Room 9 looked at eco-systems. Here is some more of their learning.

Room 9 Recycling in Term 2

Towards the end of last term, Room 9 looked at Recycling in New Zealand. We learnt about what we can and can't recycle, and how we can reuse and use less of non-recyclable items. Our posters are displayed on the wall in Room 9.